Organizational Identity
Vision: EDA envisions a bright future for children
Mission: EDA works to improve the well-being of vulnerable children, youth, and women through promoting rights-based and community-led development approaches in Ethiopia
The value of EDA are:
GENDER SENSITIVE --we believe in gender equality. We work on men and women to enjoy the same rights and opportunities in economic, household, and community affairs.
PARTNERSHIP and Networking–-we value partnership and networking with other like-minded organizations, government stakeholders, CBOs, and the private sector for common values and development agendas.
TAEM SPIRIT-- we nurture our team members to assume responsibility and devote maximum effort to improve the lives of people.
TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY--we are transparent and accountable to our beneficiaries and other stakeholders.
NON-DISCRIMINATIONEDA- serve all human beings equally regardless of gender, religion, ethnic background or economic status.